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Communicable Diseases

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FIP Development Goal 16 Education & Workforce Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Education and training infrastructures in place to develop a workforce prepared to deliver quality services around communicable and vector-borne diseases.


  • Ensure adequate education and training for the effective performance of the roles described above at part of foundation training of the pharmaceutical workforce (FIP Development Goal 2) as well as in postgraduate and continuing professional development pathways (FIP Development Goals 4 & 9 [w]).
  • Develop competency for vaccination delivery and related roles as part of undergraduate education and/or CPD pathways whenever the regulatory frameworks for pharmacists’ scope of practice supports the delivery of these services (FIP Development Goal 5 & 7 [w]).
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FIP Development Goal 16 Practice Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Strategies and people-centred professional services for the prevention, surveillance, management and therapeutic optimisation of communicable and vector-borne diseases.


  • Develop and implement structured and evidence-based disease prevention strategies and professional services for vector-borne and communicable diseases by all types of etiological agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites).
  • Develop and implement structures and mechanisms to contribute to overall integrated prevention health strategies that aim to prevent or slow the progression and spread of diseases and vectors.
  • Engage with stakeholders and policy makers to implement strategies and policies that support the delivery of vaccines by the pharmaceutical workforce.
  • Develop and implement clear and comprehensive strategies on readiness for dealing with and delivering urgent and emergency pharmaceutical care and services during pandemics, epidemics, and
    disease outbreaks.
  • Develop and utilise tools, resources, and expertise to educate patients and caregivers in an appropriate and timely manner on communicable and vector-borne diseases including sexual health education in the context of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
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FIP Development Goal 16 Science Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Capacity to monitor and respond to communicable with innovative approaches for prevention and treatment.


  • Facilitate information sharing about disease prevalence and innovative treatment strategies.
  • Inventory and disseminate educational programmes and tools to accelerate innovative preventive and treatment strategies.
  • Monitor the development of innovative diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic pharmaceutical products.
FIP COVID-19 Information Hub Thumbnail

FIP COVID-19 Information Hub

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Cold, flu and sinusitis: Managing symptoms and supporting self-care — A handbook for pharmacists (2021) Thumbnail

Cold, flu and sinusitis: Managing symptoms and supporting self-care — A handbook for pharmacists (2021)

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FIP Statement of Principle: Accelerating vaccine equity for pharmacy teams on the front line (2021) Thumbnail

FIP Statement of Principle: Accelerating vaccine equity for pharmacy teams on the front line (2021)

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Pharmaceutical services in immunization: Contributions, experiences, and implementation in the Americas region - Technical document (2021) Thumbnail

Pharmaceutical services in immunization: Contributions, experiences, and implementation in the Americas region - Technical document (2021)

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Pharmacy-based pandemic vaccination programme: Regulatory self-assessment tool (2021) Thumbnail

Pharmacy-based pandemic vaccination programme: Regulatory self-assessment tool (2021)

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Vector-borne diseases: a handbook for pharmacists: Disease prevention, control, management and treatment (2020) Thumbnail

Vector-borne diseases: a handbook for pharmacists: Disease prevention, control, management and treatment (2020)

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FIP Regional Conference for the European Region - Delivering primary health care: Pharmacists taking the next leap forward (2020) Thumbnail

FIP Regional Conference for the European Region - Delivering primary health care: Pharmacists taking the next leap forward (2020)

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Building vaccine confidence and communicating vaccine value - A toolkit for pharmacists (2021) Thumbnail

Building vaccine confidence and communicating vaccine value - A toolkit for pharmacists (2021)

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FIP vaccination handbook for pharmacists: Procedures, safety aspects, common risk points and frequently asked questions (2021) Thumbnail

FIP vaccination handbook for pharmacists: Procedures, safety aspects, common risk points and frequently asked questions (2021)

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Mitigating the impact of air pollution on health: The role of community pharmacists - Global survey report (2020) Thumbnail

Mitigating the impact of air pollution on health: The role of community pharmacists - Global survey report (2020)

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An overview of pharmacy's impact on immunisation coverage: A global survey (2020) Thumbnail

An overview of pharmacy's impact on immunisation coverage: A global survey (2020)

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Give it a shot: Expanding immunisation coverage through pharmacists (2020) Thumbnail

Give it a shot: Expanding immunisation coverage through pharmacists (2020)

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FIP COVID-19 Online Programme

FIP COVID-19 Online Programme Thumbnail

In 2021, in our continued response to the COVID-19 global health crisis, FIP has launched a global digital events programme titled: “Collaborating through the pandemic- working & learning together”.
The programme will showcase a number of virtual events – e.g. webinars- under various and relevant topics to the pandemic and the pharmacy profession.
A special weekly programme will be delivered throughout the year, starting April 2021.
This programme is open-access to all (upon registration) and targets all members of the pharmaceutical workforce from around the world.

More on the programme events

Transforming Vaccination Programme 2020-2021

Transforming Vaccination Programme 2020-2021 Thumbnail

The 2020 FIP digital programme, entitled: Transforming Vaccination Globally and Regionally was the first FIP outcome-based online programme of its kind, which culminated in the signing of a FIP Commitment to Action on Improving Vaccination Coverage Through Pharmacies by FIP and member organisations to transform vaccinations globally and regionally. Building on the outcomes of the 2020 programme, the FIP 2021 digital programme focuses on supporting FIP members in accelerating programmes of equity, access and sustainability of vaccinations through policy development and implementation.

More on the programme events

Communicable diseases: prevention, screening and management

Communicable diseases: prevention, screening and management Thumbnail

FIP is launching a programme of 12 digital events covering different challenges and opportunities for professional services in the area of communicable diseases. A series of five episodes will focus on the role of pharmacists in addressing vaccine hesitancy and building and sustaining vaccine confidence in the public. The regional burden of vector-borne diseases and priorities for action by pharmacists will be explored in a 6-part series of digital events. Towards the end of the year, the FIP Communicable Diseases programme will also include the launch of a new toolkit to support pharmaceutical care and services for people living with HIV.

More on the programme events

FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 3 | FIP DG 16: Communicable diseases

FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 3 | FIP DG 16: Communicable diseases Thumbnail
April 29, 2021

The 3rd episode of the programme explores FIP Development Goal 16: Communicable diseases. Through this goal, we aim to oversee the prevention, surveillance, scientifically strategic management and therapeutic optimisation of communicable and vector-borne diseases. This event will take place during World Immunisation Week and it will reiterate the commitment of pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists and pharmaceutical educators to improving vaccination coverage around the world, and to further support the prevention and management of communicable diseases.

Event outcomes:
1. Describe and explain the components of FIP DG 16 (and its three elements: workforce & education, science and practice).
2. Showcase the FIP tools, evidence, and resources to support DG 16 implementation across the three elements.
3. Identify priorities across practice, science, and workforce & education within DG 16
4. Engage our members in an activity to support monitoring and evaluation of the Goal through data evidence

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Presentación del documento técnico Servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización: aportes, experiencias e implementación en la región de las Américas

Presentación del documento técnico Servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización: aportes, experiencias e implementación en la región de las Américas Thumbnail
November 17, 2021

El documento técnico, Servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización: Aportes, experiencias e implementación en la región de las Américas, elaborado por el Centro de Información de Medicamentos del Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacéuticas de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Costa Rica para el Foro Farmacéutico de las Américas (FFA), ofrece una visión general de la participación del profesional en farmacia en temas de vacunas y en servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización en América Latina. En este webinar de presentación, se hará una reseña de sus contenidos y la relación con los objetivos de desarrollo de la Federación Internacional Farmacéutica (FIP). Este documento tiene la pretensión de constituirse en una herramienta para la implementación de servicios farmacéuticos en inmunización en la región que complementa las formuladas y emitidas por la FIP.

1) Reconocer la contribución del farmacéutico a las estrategias de vacunación y su relación con los objetivos de desarrollo de la FIP y las prioridades de salud globales.

2) Describir los beneficios, el impacto y las barreras de la inmunización en general y la vacunación en particular, así como experiencias de éxito del farmacéutico como inmunizador a nivel global.

3) Identificar experiencias de éxito del farmacéutico en América Latina en vacunas y su participación en las distintas etapas de la cadena de inmunización-

4) Reconocer las áreas de servicio de la inmunización en el quehacer farmacéutico y las herramientas disponibles para el desarrollo de servicios farmacéuticos de inmunización desde los diferentes ejes de su competencia.


The document “Pharmaceutical services in immunisation: Contributions, experiences and implementation in the Americas region”, authored by the Drug Information Centre of the Pharmaceutical Research Institute of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Costa Rica for the Pharmaceutical Forum of the Americas, provides an overview of the involvement of the pharmacy profession in immunisation in Latin America. This introductory webinar will provide an overview of the document’s content and how it relates to the FIP Development Goals. This document is intended to be a tool for the implementation of pharmaceutical services in immunisation in the region, which also complements other reports issued by FIP. The document is available in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

1) Recognise the pharmacist’s contribution to immunisation strategies and their relationship to FIP Development Goals and global health priorities.

2) Describe the benefits, impact and barriers of immunisation in general and vaccination in particular, as well as successful experiences of pharmacists as immunisers globally.

3) Identify successful experiences of pharmacists in Latin America in vaccines and their participation in the different stages of the immunisation chain.

4) Recognise the service areas of immunisation in pharmacy and the tools available for the development of pharmaceutical immunisation services from the different areas of their competence.

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La farmacia humanitaria durante el covid-19. Gestión de desafíos durante una nueva era

La farmacia humanitaria durante el covid-19. Gestión de desafíos durante una nueva era Thumbnail
May 29, 2021

La farmacia humanitaria durante el covid-19. Gestión de desafíos durante una nueva era 

En este webinar discutiremos cómo diversas organizaciones humanitarias -FSF-Argentina, FSF-Chile y FSF-España- centradas en el trabajo de farmacia, se han adaptado a la pandemia de COVID-19.
Objetivos de aprendizaje:
1. Comprender cómo puede continuar el trabajo humanitario en tiempos de pandemia.
2. Conocer varios ejemplos de trabajo humanitario durante la pandemia de COVID-19.
3. Obtener nuevas ideas y construir redes dentro del campo de la farmacia humanitaria.

Los temas se basan en el  trabajo, incluyendo desafíos e innovaciones, que tres organizaciones (de España, Argentina y Chile) han desarrollado durante la pandemia de COVID-19

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Doenças transmitidas por vetores /Vector-borne diseases

Doenças transmitidas por vetores /Vector-borne diseases Thumbnail
April 28, 2021

A webinar entitled “Challenges and Opportunities for the Pharmaceutical Profession in the Lusophone Space – Vector-borne diseases” will take place on 28 April at 19:00 CEST, delivered jointly by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) and the Association of Pharmacists of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (AFPLP) in Portuguese languageThis webinar will be based on the FIP Handbook for Pharmacists on vector-borne diseases, produced in collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Forum of the Americas. The speakers will present and discuss case studies from various Portuguese-speaking countries of the unique role of pharmacists in the prevention and management of vector-borne diseases.

Um webinar intitulado “Desafios e Oportunidades para a Profissão Farmacêutica no espaço lusófono –Doenças transmitidas por vetores” terá lugar no dia 28 de abril, às 18:00 horário de Portugal, organizado conjuntamente pela Federação Internacional Farmacêutica (FIP) e a Associação de Farmacêuticos dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (AFPLP) em língua portuguesa. Este webinar será baseado no Manual da FIP para Farmacêuticos sobre doenças transmitidas por vetores, produzido em colaboração com o o Fórum Farmacêutico das Américas. Os oradores apresentarão e discutirão estudos de caso de vários países lusófonos sobre o papel único dos farmacêuticos na prevenção e gestão de doenças transmitidas por vetores.


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The regulatory climate with COVID-19

The regulatory climate with COVID-19 Thumbnail
August 4, 2020

A webinar organised by: Social and administrative pharmacy


Moderator: Timothy Chen.
Facilitator: Tara Hehir.
Panellists: Cody Midlam, Peter Guthrey, Carolina Ung and Betty Chaar

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Our work

The following FIP programmes of work and structures support the implementation of this Goal:

Antimicrobial Resistance Programme 

Prevention Programme