Communicable Diseases

FIP Development Goal 16 Education & Workforce Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Education and training infrastructures in place to develop a workforce prepared to deliver quality services around communicable and vector-borne diseases.


  • Ensure adequate education and training for the effective performance of the roles described above at part of foundation training of the pharmaceutical workforce (FIP Development Goal 2) as well as in postgraduate and continuing professional development pathways (FIP Development Goals 4 & 9 [w]).
  • Develop competency for vaccination delivery and related roles as part of undergraduate education and/or CPD pathways whenever the regulatory frameworks for pharmacists’ scope of practice supports the delivery of these services (FIP Development Goal 5 & 7 [w]).

FIP Development Goal 16 Practice Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Strategies and people-centred professional services for the prevention, surveillance, management and therapeutic optimisation of communicable and vector-borne diseases.


  • Develop and implement structured and evidence-based disease prevention strategies and professional services for vector-borne and communicable diseases by all types of etiological agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites).
  • Develop and implement structures and mechanisms to contribute to overall integrated prevention health strategies that aim to prevent or slow the progression and spread of diseases and vectors.
  • Engage with stakeholders and policy makers to implement strategies and policies that support the delivery of vaccines by the pharmaceutical workforce.
  • Develop and implement clear and comprehensive strategies on readiness for dealing with and delivering urgent and emergency pharmaceutical care and services during pandemics, epidemics, and
    disease outbreaks.
  • Develop and utilise tools, resources, and expertise to educate patients and caregivers in an appropriate and timely manner on communicable and vector-borne diseases including sexual health education in the context of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.

FIP Development Goal 16 Science Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Capacity to monitor and respond to communicable with innovative approaches for prevention and treatment.


  • Facilitate information sharing about disease prevalence and innovative treatment strategies.
  • Inventory and disseminate educational programmes and tools to accelerate innovative preventive and treatment strategies.
  • Monitor the development of innovative diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic pharmaceutical products.

FIP COVID-19 Information Hub

Read Publication

FIP Statement of Principle: Accelerating vaccine equity for pharmacy teams on the front line (2021)

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FIP vaccination handbook for pharmacists: Procedures, safety aspects, common risk points and frequently asked questions (2021)

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Cold, flu and sinusitis: Managing symptoms and supporting self-care — A handbook for pharmacists (2021)

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Pharmaceutical services in immunization: Contributions, experiences, and implementation in the Americas region - Technical document (2021)

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Building vaccine confidence and communicating vaccine value - A toolkit for pharmacists (2021)

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Give it a shot: Expanding immunisation coverage through pharmacists (2020)

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An overview of pharmacy's impact on immunisation coverage: A global survey (2020)

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Vector-borne diseases: a handbook for pharmacists: Disease prevention, control, management and treatment (2020)

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FIP Regional Conference for the European Region - Delivering primary health care: Pharmacists taking the next leap forward (2020)

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Pharmacy-based pandemic vaccination programme: Regulatory self-assessment tool (2021)

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Role of pharmacists in the management of sore throat

WHPA Webinar: Tackling AMR in a Changing World - What Next After the UN High-level Meeting

Mpox update session: What pharmacists should know

Using data to shape vaccination strategies – Launch of FIP’s global intelligence report on the role of pharmacists in vaccination

Pharmacy engagement in tuberculosis prevention and care

Pharmacists support to medication management for people living with HIV

Preparing for winter: Pharmacy-based vaccination strategies (Episode 2)

Unlocking Vaccine Confidence: A Pharmacy Perspective (Episode 1)

Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention - Part 4

Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention - Part 3

Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention - Part 2

Vaccination: Benefits beyond specific disease prevention - Part 1

Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Launch of a new FIP Pandemic Preparedness report

Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Launch of a new FIP policy toolkit

Vaccines & special-risk groups: Pharmacy teams and all healthcare workers

Pharmacy teams and all healthcare workers

Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Access to data and vaccination records

Reflux management in the community

Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Regulations and prescribing

Vaccines & special-risk groups: roundtable summit

Vaccines & special-risk groups: roundtable summit (French translation)

Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Service remuneration models

Accelerating Pharmaceutical Science: innovating and collaborating to fight COVID-19 and future pandemics

The role of pharmacists in infectious & tropical diseases prevention and management

The role of pharmacists in infectious & tropical diseases prevention and management (French translation)

Pharmacists’ contributions to HIV prevention and management

Causes (infectious and non-infectious)

This video highlights the main causes for sore throat, including infectious (strep throat, COVID-19, etc.) and non-infectious causes.

Patient's experience: Symptoms, progression and duration

This video highlights the most common clinical manifestations of sore throat and how it normally occurs. This includes the expected duration of symptoms and how these might evolve over time.

Global symposium: Why flu vaccination matters

Vaccines & special-risk groups: Older adults

Co-administration of flu and COVID vaccines: Improving convenience and vaccination coverage

The role of pharmacists in preventing influenza and increasing vaccination coverage rate

Vaccines & special-risk groups: Cardiovascular diseases

Vaccines & special-risk groups: Cardiovascular diseases (French translation)

Delivering person-centred support for COVID-19: current and future pharmacy practice

Vaccines & special-risk groups: Chronic Respiratory Conditions

Vaccines & special-risk groups: Chronic Respiratory Conditions (French translation)

The role of community pharmacies in COVID-19 booster vaccination: Opportunities and supply chain challenges in a post-pandemic scenario

COVID-19: where are we now and where next?

Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: Eastern Mediterranean Region

Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: Southeast Asian Region

Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: African Region

Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: European Region

Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: Americas Region

Permitir la prescripción y administración multiprofesional de vacunas para mejorar las tasas de vacunación: Región de las Américas

Enabling multiprofessional vaccine prescribing and administration for improved uptake rates: Western Pacific Region

Empowering self-care through pharmacy – Guidelines and resources for pharmacists

The role of pharmacists in the prevention, screening and treatment management of HIV: An international update

Leadership summit on pharmacy-based vaccination policy and advocacy

Supporting self-care: disinfection in common conditions

Health illiteracy and vaccine misinformation as determinants for equity: developing policies to establish access to quality information in an equitable way

The pharmacist in the prevention and management of vector-borne diseases: a perspective from the Southeast Asian region

Vaccinations and the genders: Examining inequities in gender access and handling of vaccinations globally to inform pharmacy policy

Pharmacists’ experiences in crises in Lebanon: The Lebanese financial crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beirut Port blast.

Developing Effective Pharmacy-led Vaccination Campaigns

The role of pharmacists in the prevention and management of vector-borne diseases: a perspective from the Western Pacific region

O papel do farmacêutico nas doenças não transmissíveis / The role of pharmacists in non-communicable diseases

Equity, access & sustainability through life’s ages and stages: Enabling a life course-approach to vaccination

Pharmacists in long-term care facilities: Before, during and after the pandemic

The role of the pharmacist in the prevention and management of vector-borne diseases: African region

FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 3 | FIP DG 16: Communicable diseases

Pharmacists' involvement in COVID-19 vaccination: Addressing regulatory needs

Global immunization initiatives: Implementing lifelong learning to address mass vaccination

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Global Immunization Initiatives: Implementing Lifelong Learning to Address Mass Vaccination

Vaccine administration routes and procedures: frequent concerns and common errors

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Pharmacist vaccinators and communicable disease management: FIP DG 16 Communicable Diseases

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Pharmacist vaccinators and communicable disease management: FIP DG 16 Communicable Diseases

The Regulatory Climate with Covid-19

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The regulatory climate with COVID-19

Moderator: Timothy Chen.
Facilitator: Tara Hehir.
Panellists: Cody Midlam, Peter Guthrey, Carolina Ung and Betty Chaar

Clostridium difficile infection management and outcomes. Considerations in a limited-resource setting

Speakers: Laurel Legenza & Renier Coetzee

Pharmacist role in detection, control and prevention of arboviroses

Speaker: Cristina Fernández Barrantes

Lessons learned from HIV drug development and the way forward

Alice Pau, USA, Session A5, FIP congress Bangkok 2014

Communicable diseases and pharmacy based programmes

Manjiri Gharat, India, Session F5, FIP congress Dublin 2013

The following FIP programmes of work and structures support the implementation of this Goal:

Antimicrobial Resistance Programme 

Prevention Programme