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Patient Safety

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FIP Development Goal 19 Workforce Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Strategies in place to widen access to medicines & services through a responsive, capable, available and well-distributed pharmaceutical workforce.


  • Ensure workforce development strategies are in line with services in needs (FIP Development Goal 7 [w]).
  • Develop medicines expertise competencies in the workforce to deliver quality care (FIP Development Goal 14 [w]).
  • Link gender and diversity balances in the workforce with optimisation of service delivery such as to improve access to minority groups and special patient populations (FIP Development Goal 10 [w]) .
  • Utilise workforce intelligence and date to inform strategies for workforce production, distribution, and capacity improvement (FIP Development Goal 12 [w]).
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FIP Development Goal 19 Practice Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Patient safety mechanisms linked to reducing medication- related harm, quality assurance processes and legislation & regulations.


  • Advocate for both safer medication management systems and a culture of patient safety in health care organisations.
  • Encourage all health care professionals and other key stakeholders, including patients and their caregivers, managers, policy makers, and educators to consider designing/optimising services collaboratively to improve patient safety.
  • In collaboration with health care professionals, health care organisations, patient/consumer organisations and researchers, develop, implement and monitor indicators and tools to proactively measure patient or consumer safety in practice; the outcomes of which can be used to promote and monitor the development of a safety
  • Initiate and support ongoing programmes to educate the public about the safe use of medications and the roles of pharmacists in this context.
  • Develop, implement, promote, monitor and review medication safety policies, procedures and outcomes in hospital, primary care, community and residential care facilities and other relevant facilities to prevent patient safety incidents and improve patient outcomes.
  • Ensure systems are in place for the supply of medications in times of shortages and for access to medications by patients most in need.Develop strategies to combat substandard and falsified medicines.
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FIP Development Goal 19 Science Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Safety in the development and use of medicines is promoted through the advancement of drug safety science.


  • Support development of a globally harmonised approach to medicines safety monitoring with a science-based judgment of risk assessment and risk mitigation.
Medicines reconciliation: A toolkit for pharmacists (2021) Thumbnail

Medicines reconciliation: A toolkit for pharmacists (2021)

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Joint Statement: Global action on patient safety - agenda item 13.1 (2021) Thumbnail

Joint Statement: Global action on patient safety - agenda item 13.1 (2021)

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Curriculum for pharmacy students on substandard and falsified medicines:  Curriculum guide and competency framework (2021) Thumbnail

Curriculum for pharmacy students on substandard and falsified medicines: Curriculum guide and competency framework (2021)

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Joint statement on Patient Solidarity Day (2021)  Thumbnail

Joint statement on Patient Solidarity Day (2021) 

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Medicines use review: A toolkit for pharmacists (2020) Thumbnail

Medicines use review: A toolkit for pharmacists (2020)

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FIP Regional Conference for the European Region - Delivering primary health care: Pharmacists taking the next leap forward (2020) Thumbnail

FIP Regional Conference for the European Region - Delivering primary health care: Pharmacists taking the next leap forward (2020)

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FIP Statement of Policy: The role of pharmacists in promoting patient safety (2020) Thumbnail

FIP Statement of Policy: The role of pharmacists in promoting patient safety (2020)

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Patient Safety: Pharmacists’ role in “Medication without harm” (2020) Thumbnail

Patient Safety: Pharmacists’ role in “Medication without harm” (2020)

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FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 13 | FIP DG 19: Patient safety

FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 13 | FIP DG 19: Patient safety Thumbnail
September 17, 2021

The FIP Development Goals Digital Programme “Setting goals for the decade ahead” is a comprehensive online event series providing coverage of the 21 goals over 21 events in 2021. Starting in March, the 21 digital events aim to provide description, direction and context for each specific goal, with a global plan for the decade ahead and how each nation, within each region can identify and prioritise which goals are the priorities and how the goals can support developments and transformation for them.

This programme is all about engaging the profession and supporting the profession to deliver in relevant and purposeful ways. By engaging our profession, members & colleagues everywhere with these relevant and applicable goals for the decade ahead, we can provide tools, monitoring and evaluation through data evidence, and identifying priorities across practice, science, and workforce & education.

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Trusted for health: Pharmacy and Counterfeit Medicines worldwide- problems and solutions

Trusted for health: Pharmacy and Counterfeit Medicines worldwide- problems and solutions Thumbnail
September 22, 2021

Counterfeit, substandard and falsified medications and medical products endanger public health and FIP believes that pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists should contribute to patient safety by actively participating in the fight against counterfeit, substandard, and falsified medicines.
Adapting and expanding on the theme of World Pharmacy Week (Pharmacy: Always trusted for your health), we would like to invite you to attend this webinar and learn more about the role of pharmacists in the emerging threat of counterfeit, falsified, and substandard medicines. The event has been sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant by Pfizer.

The expected outcomes of the event are:
1- to discuss the role of pharmacists in combating counterfeit, falsified, and substandard medicines.
2- to highlight various regional and global strengths, accomplishments, and success stories in the fight against counterfeit medications.
3- to identify emerging regional and global threats and challenges related to counterfeit medication.

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Medicamentos Falsificados e Sub-standard / Falsified and substandard medicines

Medicamentos Falsificados e Sub-standard / Falsified and substandard medicines Thumbnail
May 26, 2021

O tema deste evento digital é o papel do farmacêutico no combate e gestão dos Medicamentos Falsificados e Substandards.

Esta pandemia acentuou as inequidades e as dificuldades no acesso aos medicamentos essenciais que promovem ainda mais este flagelo global.

Ouviremos a experiência da implementação do guia curricular da FIP desenvolvido para suporte à capacitação de farmacêuticos no combate a medicamentos falsificados e substandards, seguida da partilha das intervenções desenvolvidas em Angola, Moçambique e Portugal.

Os oradores partilharão a sua visão e experiência, permitindo a participação e debate de participantes dos 7 países de Lingua Portuguesa.


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Our work

The following FIP programmes of work and structures support the implementation of this Goal:

Falsified and Substandard Medicines 

Patient Safety Programme