Digital Health

FIP Development Goal 20 Education & Workforce Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Enablers of digital transformation within the pharmacy workforce and effective processes to facilitate the development of a digitally literate pharmaceutical workforce.


  • Develop courses, training material and experiential learning opportunities in initial education & early career training to prepare a digitally literate workforce (FIP Development Goals 1 & 2 [w]).
  • Incorporate digital health and literacy competencies and skills in pharmaceutical competency, advanced and specialist frameworks (FIP Development Goals 4 & 5 [w]).
  • Multi-disciplinary learning strategies for digital health literacy that include interprofessional education (FIP Development Goal 8 [w]).
  • Provide opportunities for continuous education and development to ensure the workforce remains up to date with digital health changes and innovations (FIP Development Goal 9 [w]).
  • Incorporate digital health within workforce development policies including employment policies such as employment opportunities in digital health sector (FIP Development Goal 13 [w]).

FIP Development Goal 20 Practice Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Systems and structures in place to develop and deliver quality digital health and pharmaceutical care services through the digital literacy and utilisation of technology and digital enablers, configuration of responsive digital services to widen access and equity.


  • Utilise digital enablers and new technologies such as shared electronic health records, applications, and artificial intelligence to support the delivery of innovative services and the appropriate care and decision making.
  • Demonstrate digital literacy and understanding of governance issues surrounding data ownership, ethics, privacy, quality information; and have policies in place to support the development of the workforce as managers of health data.
  • Recognise digital health as a mechanism for widening access and equity including access to digital pharmaceutical care.
  • Identify and understand ethical and operational implications of digital technologies, as well as the implications in terms of professional accountability for patient outcomes of expanded access to patient information, shared electronic records.

FIP Development Goal 20 Science Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Application of digital technology in healthcare delivery and development of innovative medical products.


  • Promote the use and interpretation of digital technology and information during training and education of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists.
  • Enable integration of “data science” solutions to improve patient care.

FIP Statement of Policy: Digital health (2021)

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Online pharmacy operations and distribution of medicines: Global Survey Report - FIP Community Pharmacy Section (2021)

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FIP Position Statement: Emerging technologies and pharmacy practice (2020)

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FIP digital health in pharmacy education: Developing a digitally enabled pharmaceutical workforce (2021)

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Artificial Intelligence in Drug Development and Clinical Trials

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Embracing Technology in The Pharmaceutical Sector (An African Perspective) part 2

Embracing Technology in The Pharmaceutical Sector (An African Perspective) part-1

Digital Health in Pharmacy: FIP online course for educators and practitioners

Artificial Intelligence for the Design of New RNA Nanocarriers

Intro to Generative AI & Large Language Models for Pharmacists

E-labelling & Digital Transformation in Pharmacy

FIP Pharmacy Practice Research summer meeting for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and supervisors

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Tips, Tricks, Technology, and Transitions of Care for Tiny Tots

Digital health in pharmacy: FIP online course for educators and practitioners

How digital health is changing care delivery for pharmacists and improving public health

Precision Medicine: What will it Cost?

Pharmacists’ contributions to telehealth and telepharmacy services

Antimicrobial stewardship: Data in action

Precision Medicine: Where is the technology heading?

‘How can digital health support national pharmaceutical care delivery?’ A regional and global assessment of priorities and challenges in the Americas region

‘How can digital health support national pharmaceutical care delivery?’ A regional and global assessment of priorities and challenges in the South East Asian region

‘How can digital health support national pharmaceutical care delivery?’ A regional and global assessment of priorities and challenges in the European region

‘How can digital health support national pharmaceutical care delivery?’ A regional and global assessment of priorities and challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean region

‘How can digital health support national pharmaceutical care delivery?’ A regional and global assessment of priorities and challenges in the African region

Technology and artificial intelligence in pharmaceutical education

Precision Medicine: The current status

Precision Medicine: what will it cost?

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FIP Train the Trainer online course for educators on digital health - Capitalizing on the benefits of digital health

What technology can bring to cytotoxic drugs compounding

3D printing of pharmaceuticals: get ready

Technology and new logistics – a disruption or a forced opportunity for community pharmacies

Digital Health and hospital Pharmacy

Technology Forum Webinar on Virtual Reality

Selfcare in the digital age

FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 4 | FIP DG 20: Digital health

Digital health in pharmacy education: Global showcase of initiatives from pharmacy schools

Online access to medicines: lessons learnt for self-care

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Online access to medicines: lessons learnt for self-care

Online pharmacy operations around the world

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Online pharmacy operations around the world

Global Launch of the FIP digital health in pharmacy education report: Developing a digitally enabled pharmaceutical workforce

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Global Launch of the FIP digital health in pharmacy education report: Developing a digitally enabled pharmaceutical workforce

Digital health: Where does pharmacy stand?

Speakers: Peter Guthrey, Nada Moulla and Adebayo Alonge

Electronic patient health records and interoperability - Challenges and opportunities

Paul Fahey, Ireland, Session C8, FIP congress Dublin 2013

The following FIP programmes of work and structures support the implementation of this Goal:

FIPx – FIP Train the Trainer online course

FIP Technology Forum