Sustainability in Pharmacy

FIP Development Goal 21 Education & Workforce Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Strategies and systems in place that utilise the workforce to enhance sustainable pharmacy and services.


  • Academic workforce capacity to conduct pharmacy practice research, outcomes, evaluation processes for sustainability (FIP Development Goal 1 [w]).
  • Align workforce education and development strategies with needed integrated services (FIP Development Goal 7 [w]).
  • Understand the capacity needed to produce and train sufficient workforce members that are available and accessible to ensure continued pharmaceutical care delivery (FIP Development Goal 12 [w]).
  • Engage members of the workforce from all sectors in the sustainability discussions and align with workforce policy development (FIP Development Goal 13 [w]).

FIP Development Goal 21 Practice Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Policies, regulations and strategies to ensure the sustainability of the environment and minimise the impact of pharmaceuticals and pharmacy practice, but also the appropriate mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of pharmacy practice itself, through appropriate remuneration models for pharmaceutical services.


  • In terms of ecological sustainability, advocate for and contribute to the development and implementation of policies and strategies that recognise, minimise and mitigate the environmental effects of pharmaceuticals and medicines-related practices. This includes the research, development, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, dispensing, use and disposal of medicines; the administrative and legislative processes regulating medicines; all aspects of pharmacy practice; and the education and training of the pharmaceutical workforce for such roles.
  • In terms of social, societal and economical sustainability around pharmacy services, advocate for and contribute for the value of pharmaceutical services that ensure equity in access to such services, incentivise their delivery and promote their sustainability and appropriate integration in health care system funding, public or private.

FIP Development Goal 21 Science Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Scientific strategies and policies in place to maintain consistent supply of medicinal products throughout lifecycle while limiting negative consequences for the environment.


  • Collaborate with stakeholders on strategies for environmental monitoring of the impact of pharmaceuticals.
  • Promote ecological, social, societal, economical sustainability throughout the life cycle of medical products.

FIP Call to Action: Mobilising pharmacists across our communities to mitigate the impact of air pollution on health (2021)

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FIP Letter to COP26 UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021: “Pharmacy stands up to climate change” (2021)

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FIP-RPS Letter to COP26 UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021

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The Global Threat of Air Pollution and Its Impact On Patient Care: Supporting Pharmacy Practice and Workforce Development (2021)

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FIP Statement of Policy: Sustainability of pharmacist-delivered professional services through viable remuneration models (2020)

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Stress management in pharmacy teams

Climate change and respiratory health: Bridging gaps for a healthier future

Pharmaceutical supply chain resilience in humanitarian crises

World Environment Day: Advancing pharmacy for a more sustainable world

Using data to shape vaccination strategies – Launch of FIP’s global intelligence report on the role of pharmacists in vaccination

How can pharmacists support patients with co-morbidities in preventing fatty liver disease?

Vaccination services in pharmacy: what’s the price to pay?

How can pharmacists support individuals living with fatty liver disease?

In this second episode of FIP’s CPD bite series on self-care approaches for fatty liver disease management explores how pharmacists can support a holistic approach to the care of patients with fatty liver disease.

Safe disposal of medicines: A helpful solution for our planet

What is fatty liver disease and who is most at risk of developing it? (available in Polish and Romanian subtitles)

In this first episode of this FIP CPD bite series on self-care approaches for fatty liver disease management shares an overview of the epidemiology of fatty liver disease, its pathophysiology, its global burden, and the main risk groups and risk factors. 

Empowering Pharmacy Technicians: Navigating Resilience in Healthcare

Climate change and vector-borne neglected tropical diseases: Positioning pharmacy practice to drive awareness, prevention and management

CPS Regional Online Workshop: Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in Spanish speaking countries

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CPS Regional Online Workshop: Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in the African region

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Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in the European and Eastern Mediterranean regions

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CPS Regional Online Workshop: Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in the South East Asian region

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CPS Regional Online Workshop: Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in the Western Pacific region

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CPS Regional Online Workshop: Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in the Americas region

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Enabling life-course immunisation through pharmacy-based vaccination: Service remuneration models

Special event on pandemic preparedness Pharmacy’s global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

Achieve equitable, inclusive and quality pharmaceutical education for all: Launch of the FIP toolkit for addressing inequities in pharmaceutical education

Climate change as a risk to respiratory health

Indoor air pollution and health: causes, management and self-care approaches

Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the African region

Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the Western Pacific region

Sustainable and equitable access to vaccines: Establishing priorities and setting policies in the South East Asian region

Leveraging pharmacists to minimise the impact of air pollution on health: Policy barriers and drivers

Community pharmacy roles, services and tools to minimise impact of air pollution on health

Equity, access & sustainability through life’s ages and stages: Enabling a life course-approach to vaccination

The role of pharmacists in the prevention and management of vector-borne diseases: a perspective from the Eastern Mediterranean region

Outdoor and indoor air pollution: short- and long-term impacts on health

FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 6 | FIP DG 21: Sustainability in pharmacy

Doenças transmitidas por vetores /Vector-borne diseases

El farmacéutico en la prevención y manejo de las enfermedades transmisibles por vectores: una perspectiva de la región de las Américas

The impact of air pollution on respiratory health and vulnerability to COVID-19. What can community pharmacists do to help?

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The impact of air pollution on respiratory health and vulnerability to COVID-19. What can community pharmacists do to help?

Addressing inequities in pharmacy education due to COVID-19 – Learnings from Africa, Asia and Latin America

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Addressing inequities in pharmacy education due to COVID-19 – Learnings from Africa, Asia and Latin America

Moderator: Ralph Altiere. Facilitator: Nilhan Uzman. Panellists: Bhojraj Suresh, Derick Munkombwe, Alison Williams, Patricia Acuna-Johnson, Nguyen Van Hung and Jennie Lates.

The Regulatory Climate with Covid-19

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The regulatory climate with COVID-19

Moderator: Timothy Chen.
Facilitator: Tara Hehir.
Panellists: Cody Midlam, Peter Guthrey, Carolina Ung and Betty Chaar

Green and sustainable pharmacy practice – Guidance for practitioners

Speakers: Eeva Teräsalmi and Jaakko Teppo

Economic evaluation of pharmaceutical services: opportunities, challenges, and methodological considerations

Organised by FIP's Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section

The following FIP programmes of work and structures support the implementation of this Goal:

FIP SustainabilityRx Programme:

  • Responding to disasters and pandemics
  • Protecting the environment & mitigating the health effects of climate change
  • Delivering sustainable & safe services