Advanced and Specialist Development

FIP Development Goal 4 Education & Workforce Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Education and training infrastructures in place for the recognised advancement of the pharmaceutical workforce as a basis for enhancing patient care and health system deliverables.


  • Need for a common and shared understanding of what is meant by ‘specialisation’ and ‘advanced practice’ in the context of scope of practice and the responsible use of medicines.
  • Ensure competency and capability of an advanced and expert pharmacist in all sectors (including specialisations extending to industry and administration settings) for greater optimisation of complex pharmaceutical patient care. This may now include prescribing roles within a recognised scope of practice.
  • Systematic use of professional recognition programmes, systems and frameworks as markers for advancement and specialisation across the workforce, including advanced pharmaceutical scientists.

FIP Development Goal 4 Practice Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Sector-specific competency and development frameworks and infrastructures for advanced and/ or specialised pharmacy practice and people-centred services.


  • Develop practice infrastructures to support advanced practice and specialisation such as board certification, residency training, continuing professional development, proof of attainment of competencies.
  • Establish regulatory requirements for advanced practitioners and specialists in the appropriate settings, to ensure an adequate response to patient needs and optimal integrative care.
  • Establish pathways and plans for the development and delivery of advanced services.
  • Ensure mechanisms are in place so that pharmacists and pharmacy support workers are able to practice at the top of their license.
  • Ensure appropriate recognition of advanced competences and specialisation, and alignment with formal career progression systems and adequate incentives (remuneration and other).
  • Increase capacity for specialised training and/or certification programs.

FIP Development Goal 4 Science Element 

Globally, we will have: 

Education, training, and mentoring to foster innovation and expertise in pharmaceutical sciences.


  • Develop guidance on how specialised pharmaceutical science expertise is acquired in different settings.
  • Establish mechanisms to recognise expertise in pharmaceutical sciences such as patents, fellowship status, grants received, and promotions.
  • Collaborate with industry and academia to define programmes that offer additional mentoring, networking, international exposure, and leadership development for scientists at all levels.

Pharmacy and primary care: a global development framework. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. [IN PRESS] (2020)

Read Publication

Advanced pharmacy practice: aligning national action with global targets (2017)

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Transnational comparability of advanced pharmacy practice developmental frameworks: a country-level crossover mapping study (2018)

Read Publication

Recognition of Advanced Practice Pharmacists in Australia and Beyond: Considerations for Canadian Practitioners (2020)

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Trends in advanced practice and specialisation in the global pharmacy workforce: a synthesis of country case studies (2020)

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A Global Survey on Trends in Advanced Practice and Specialisation in the Pharmacy Workforce (2020)

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Advanced practice and specialisation in pharmacy: global report (2015)

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Strengthening Primary Healthcare through accelerated advancement of the global pharmacy workforce: a cross-sectional survey of 88 countries (2022)

Read Publication

Executive Summary: FIP Global Competency Framework - Supporting the development of foundation and early career pharmacists (Version 2, 2020)

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FIP Global Advanced Development Framework: Quick Reference Guide - Supporting advancement of the profession (2020)

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FIP Global Advanced Development Framework: Handbook - Supporting advancement of the profession (Version 1, 2020)

Read Publication

Key findings of the FIP Interprofessional Education in a Pharmacy Context: Global Report (2015)

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Career development toolkit for early career pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientistis - Workbook (2020)

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Career development toolkit for early career pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists (2020)

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Shaping the future of pharmacy education: Unveiling the FIP Nanjing statements guidance document to 2030

Welcome to Pharmabridge!

Partnerships and Opportunities with the FIP Foundation

Sports pharmacy practice and education

CPS Regional Online Workshop: Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in Spanish speaking countries

Register here!

CPS Regional Online Workshop: Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in the African region

Register here!

CPS Regional Online Workshop: Have your say! Help us build your positive practice environments and shape worldwide policy for a sustainable pharmacy profession in the South East Asian region

Register here!

Non-pharmacological treatment approaches

This video focuses on non-pharmacological approaches to sore throat management and presents some tips for pharmacists to support self-care in this area.

Pharmacological treatment approaches

This video summarises the main pharmacological treatment approaches for sore throat, focusing on an overview of the different preparations pharmacists can recommend when advising on sore throat management

FIP AIM Global Academic Leaders Forum (GALF) 2022

If you'd like to join this workshop, please contact [email protected]

Professional Development and Advanced Training Opportunities for Pharmacy Technicians

Global frameworks to support career development

Career Paths and Opportunities in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences

Confidence, complacency and convenience: Key elements of influenza vaccination strategies in times of COVID-19

The role of pharmacists in the prevention of diabetes

FIP Global Academic Leaders Forum (GALF)

Advanced and specialist pharmacist development for hospital pharmacists

FIP “Setting goals for the decade ahead” | Episode 10 | FIP DG 4: Advanced and specialist development

Online leadership development course for academic pharmacy leaders

Navigating an academic career in the field of pharmaceutical sciences

Register here!

Navigating an academic career in the field of pharmaceutical sciences

Career development: What a career at a pharmaceutical company might look like

Register here!

Career development: What a career at a pharmaceutical company might look like

Vaccination from specialist practice to every day practice: FIP DG 4 Advanced & Specialist Development

Register here!

Vaccination from specialist practice to every day practice: FIP DG 4 Advanced & Specialist Development

Academic Section Webinar- Interprofessional Education_ The Pharmacists Role Across the Globe

Panelists: Cameil Wilson-Clarke, Gina Prescott, Lisa Hong, Toyin Tofade, Miranda Law.


Assessment of interprofessional education

Speaker: Sylvia Langlois

The following FIP programmes of work and structures support the implementation of this Goal:

Global Academic Leadership Fellows Programme (GALFP)